Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Relaxed (!) Dinner

We decided to have a relaxing dinner in the middle of the week- with our toddler and 6 month old baby!  Something to get out of the routine- so that we can somehow keep going through the week. We even managed to arrive at the restaurant without taking any break within our 20 minutes’ drive! Considering the past experiences of stopping at the parking lots before entering the store just to feed our infant; this was an achievement!

              Everyone got settled and my toddler said, “I need to use potty.” I was glad that this call was before the food arrived. I happily took her to the restroom. There they were running nice music and some Italian to English translations. So she really liked that restroom J Later she wanted to dance there; so we danced for few minutes. And…. that’s about it; she decided she doesn’t want to go potty anymore.

 So we were back at the table just after trying out their fancy soap and auto-napkin dispenser.
Humm, now I can order food & just enjoy rest of the evening J

I guess that thought came too fast. By now our six months old started getting uncomfortable in his stroller; so I took him out and stepped outside for a quick walk. By then my hubby managed to place the food order; of course without asking me!

When we got back, piping hot pasta with delectable sauce was waiting for me. Thankfully my toddler was also half way through her dinner. That’s plus sign; kudos to dad! I was about to dig my fork into that yummy looking pasta and my toddler goes, “Mama, potty…”. Since she is recently potty trained I can’t take chances. Any call could be serious call. So I quickly just licked the fork to taste the feast & took her inside.

After enjoying the nice music, dancing/hopping for few minutes, finally this trip seemed to be successful. Again I settled to enjoy my food and I heard a subtle sound and smell that only a mom can relate with. This time it was my son’s turn to visit the restroom!

With the mercy of my kids I managed to grasp few Italian words by visiting that restroom for at least 5 times. In between like a pro mommy I gobbled my cold food down! Eating food right after …well.. that was the end of our relaxing dinner!

What I think of you...

You asked, what do you think of me?
After all these years you don’t fail to amuse me!
I’m on my own for the world;
When you left me behind
Yet, no one can claim your place in my mind!
You just know when I whisper your name,
All boundaries disappear and you reclaim 
Even when I haven’t uttered a word; you somehow listen
Only you can console when my eyes glisten
Then you say hi, how are you?
And, I start pouring everything on you
What I say and what I mean is only clear to you
Still you ask what I am for you!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Forgive and Forget(!)

It's been a while I'm having an internal battle on this age old saying- "Forgive and Forget".

Yes, I do understand the benefits of forgiving. This article explains the cause and effect theory of forgiving very well.

However, when I’m witnessing few incidences first hand, even forgiving seems impossible. Recently a family I know lost their 21 year old son. He went on the religious pilgrimage due to his strong faith; and decided to take a bath in the nearby holy river. At that time he was accompanied by his sister who decided to stay at the banks. There was only one another person in the river at that wee hour. No one knows what exactly happened; but he just fell down in water that was waist deep. He tried asking for help & the man who was at the arm’s distance decided to walk away and didn’t help him. His sister kept screaming for help but couldn’t get any. After 36 hours of search he was found at the same place where he drowned. How can anyone forgive that person who didn’t help? There are so many unanswered questions about this whole incidence; one might even dare to question faith and beliefs. We believe that we are his children and the almighty is always looking after us. But then such incidences do happen.

The family who lost their son however at very different spiritual level than one could ever imagine. They have made peace with it. Their response was that if it was bound to happen; no one could have altered it. So we cannot actually blame anyone. Besides all religious scriptures and science agree on the eternal truth that “nothing is permanent”.

The way this family made peace with this mishap is almost surreal. May be forgiving is ultimately necessary for healing. But then I wonder would they ever be able to forget the vivid images of their son’s body which was half eaten by fish? I started tapping people– sometimes others have hurt them and they forgave; sometime they hurt others and sought forgiveness. But was anyone able to forget?

When we cherish the relationship and value it more than anything; people tend to find excuses to forgive and even to forget at some extent. But when the relation itself is superficial, and yet the expectations are high; forgiving becomes challenging. Yet just to keep on moving; we tend to forgive yet never forget. Like when you share a news that you are expecting and someone seemingly close asks, “Are you going to keep it?”; you are taken aback. But then you move on with your decision and eventually with time you forgive- but never forget! Or when you pushed your kid for ski lessons and the kid returned with multiple fractures; you would eventually forgive yourself knowing that the intentions were to make your kid stronger. Seeing your kid going through that pain due to your wish of availing the opportunities you never got; would fade away with the progressive recovery. However, every time your kid denies taking chances; would you rather rethink before pushing them forward?

Yes, I agree forgiving is essential, and it does happen over time. One would even say it is rather necessary for sanity, making peace with life and moving on. However, forgetting?