Sunday, February 12, 2023

Rare Love

    It’s been a long love-hate relationship with him. I am calling it a relationship but, in all honesty, it’s always been one-way (sigh)! I have struggled a lot to accept that I am in love with him. When I was young, I wondered about meeting him in person but maintained my distance. That self-dialogue that I was not good enough kept me away from him. I kept postponing spending time with him. Whenever I saw someone else with him, I was convinced that that someone else had something special that I was lacking. Eventually, I was introduced to a common circle of friends who introduced us. We started meeting in a group and that confirmed that I did want to be with him all the time! 

    It took a few years to find the courage to sneak in some time alone with him. I finally stopped worrying about “what ifs” and let me tell you that has freed me so much! My heart is finally full! I am not afraid of being caught alone with him. In fact, I have started enjoying being alone with him, sharing all my secrets, aspirations, and everything on my mind! 

    He has absolutely no idea how much I long to meet him! He welcomes me regardless of whether I am in a group or whether we meet in solitude. I don’t think it’s fair to ask that he treats me any more special than others. He’s friends with everyone who makes time for him and, like the loyal friend that he truly is, hugs everyone and lets them have everything that he has to offer. Some of our friends are picky. They want to see him only when he’s all cheerful and can be there for them. But his true friends like me accept him the way he is! Sometimes he is harsh, even unpredictable, and can hurt us unknowingly. He has always been a good listener, not saying anything but keeping everything buried inside. Occasionally all that rage erupts, and he is not in the mood for company. So, out of nowhere, he could literally throw any one of us out of his life. But that doesn’t stop us. We patiently wait for him to calm down and be ready to embrace his welcome. Love does not know any bounds, right? 

    Do you want to know, who he is? You might have seen him with me in many pictures. Well, if you are curious enough, join me on any hike and you can meet him. Sometimes he is called by a trail’s name, peak’s name, or a range, and presents himself in all shapes, and elevations, whether all green, covered by snow, or his most familiar look adorning cacti and desert vegetation. Love does not know any bounds, right?

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