Monday, December 2, 2024



Have you ever experienced telepathy? Like you were thinking about someone on the other side of the world, and that person, as if reading your mind, pings you out of nowhere? I have experienced it many times. Let me backtrack: Telepathy is the transfer of thoughts from one person to another without using conventional communication channels.

The other day, I was thinking about a friend who lives in India. We have not been in contact for years. I woke up from a vivid dream that he was sick and looked very weak. In my dream, I felt very guilty for not being able to meet him on my last visit to India and felt the fear of not being able to see him ever again. So, the first thing I did after waking up was to call him. He was surprised to receive my call and sounded cheerful. And I was half relieved to hear his usual cheerful voice and half afraid of sharing my dream. After going through the usual- why didn’t you call earlier/how could you return w/o meeting me, etc., he asked me the reason for such a sudden call. Over the years, our friendships have grown from chatting every day to not being in touch for years and then starting over as if not a day has passed in between. That is how childhood friendships are, aren’t they? I told him that he was going to laugh at me and that I worried too much and needed to get checked by a psychiatrist. Yet, I told him about my dream and apologized for not meeting him on my last trip.

With that, he grew silent.  He mentioned that last month, he went through hospitalization to get a stent implanted as one of his arteries was 85% blocked. He was recovering now and thankful that his family doctor could find out and take preventive action before it was too late. Both of us were stunned! He is too young to get through such a scary ordeal. He and his wife are particular about following a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. Therefore, his situation was shocking to everyone close to him. But there was no way for me to know about this as he had not shared it with either of our common friends. We had not been in touch for close to five years by then, and I had this weird dream out of nowhere! What is this connection? I was not even thinking about him or there was no mention of him in my recent interactions with our common friends either. Yet, the dream, the message was delivered to me. If I had not mentioned the dream, he would not have even mentioned this incident to me, like how he had not mentioned it to anyone else.  This, for me, was telepathy!

Reiki, distance healing, mediation, visualization, manifestation, and energy alignment scenarios have been controversial for years, yet believers feel the so-called “magic” happening for them. Many beliefs claim that conscious intention can affect living systems regardless of distance. I was curious to know if there is any scientific study on telepathy. Then I stumbled upon this NIH study that mentions, “Intercessory prayers, healing energy, and similar other methods have long been a part of medicine. Hence, analyzing the underpinnings of telepathy might potentially help in understanding the “distant-healing” phenomena also.” They tried to reveal the neural basis of telepathy by examining an individual claiming the telepathic phenomena. They studied two individuals, one transferring the pattern/message to the receiver, and studied their brain activities. The person claiming to have abilities to perform various paranormal tasks such as telekinesis, mind reading, and telepathy was given the task of drawing images, and the receiver was seated in a different room. When they compared the results of the images being transferred through telepathy and drawn by the subject, there was a significant match. They studied the MRI scans and established particular brain regions for activations. This has intrigued the scientists for further research.

Have you ever experienced any such telepathic phenomena? Share with me in the comments.

SOURCE: Investigating paranormal phenomena: Functional brain imaging of telepathy - PMC




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